Council - 11 December 2024 - Wednesday 11 December 2024, 5:00pm - East Renfrewshire Council Webcasting
Council - 11 December 2024
Wednesday, 11th December 2024 at 5:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Gerry Mahon
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Presentation: Citizen of the Year 2024
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Guest 2
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Minute of Meeting Held on 23 October 2024
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Agenda item :
Minutes of Meetings for the Period 23 October to 5 December 2024
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Agenda item :
Statement by Leader of the Council: East Renfrewshire - A Place to Grow
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Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Statements by Conveners and Representatives on Joint Boards and Committees
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Cllr Andrew Anderson
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Katie Pragnell
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Provost's Engagements
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Agenda item :
Item Remitted to the Council: Interim Treasury Management Report for 2024/25 - Quarter 2
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Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Item Remitted to the Council: General Fund Capital Programme
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Agenda item :
Item Remitted to the Council: Housing Capital Programme
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Agenda item :
Community Safety 24/7 Response Centre and Overlee House Upgrades
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Officer 1
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Eastwood Headquarters Refurbishment - Update Report
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Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Cllr Annette Ireland
Officer 1
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Anderson
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Steven Quinn
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Gordon Wallace
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Officer 1
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Tony Buchanan
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Eastwood Headquarters Refurbishment - Update Report
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
Health and Social Care Partnership Chief Officer Recruitment
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Webcast Finished