Council - 26 February 2025 - Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10:00am - East Renfrewshire Council Webcasting
Council - 26 February 2025
Wednesday, 26th February 2025 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
1. Apologies for Absence
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Gerry Mahon
Agenda item :
2.Declarations of Interest
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Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
5c. Deferral of Decision to Council: Health and Social Care Partnership - Charging for Non-Residential Care Services in 2025/26.
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Cllr Tony Buchanan
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Tony Buchanan
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Gerry Mahon
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
5c. Deferral of Decision to Council: Health and Social Care Partnership - Charging for Non-Residential Care Services in 2025/26.
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
5c. Deferral of Decision to Council: Health and Social Care Partnership - Charging for Non-Residential Care Services in 2025/26.
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Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Seat 11
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Tony Buchanan
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr David Macdonald
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Gerry Mahon
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Cllr Annette Ireland
Cllr Annette Ireland
Cllr David Macdonald
Provost Mary Montague
Louise Pringle
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
5a. Interim Treasury Management Report 2024/25 - Quarter 3
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Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
5b. Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26
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Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Seat 7
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
6. Provost's Engagements
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Agenda item :
7. Best Value - East Renfrewshire Council: Report by Controller of Audit
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Louise Pringle
Steven Quinn
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
8. Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025 - 2030
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Agenda item :
9. East Renfrewshire Council Revenue Estimates 2025/26
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Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Anderson
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Tony Buchanan
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Mark Ratter
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Mark Ratter
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Provost Mary Montague
Steven Quinn
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Caroline Bamforth
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Owen O'Donnell
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
10. General Fund Capital Plan 2025/26 - 2034/35
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Louise Pringle
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Kate Campbell
Provost Mary Montague
Mark Ratter
Cllr Kate Campbell
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Caitriona McAuley
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
11. Housing Revenue Account - Rent Setting 2025/26
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Cllr Danny Devlin
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Annette Ireland
Caitriona McAuley
Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
12. Housing Capital Programme 2025/26
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Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Cllr Andrew Morrison
Provost Mary Montague
Caitriona McAuley
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Danny Devlin
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
13. East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Trust 2024/25 Business Plan
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Cllr Andrew Anderson
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
14. Updated Civic Event Protocol (Incorporating Flag Flying Protocol)
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Cllr Annette Ireland
Provost Mary Montague
Barry Tudhope
Provost Mary Montague
Cllr Paul Edlin
Provost Mary Montague
Agenda item :
15. Licensing Committee - Appointment of Vice Chair
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Webcast Finished